Student Services

Alkimos College

Student Services

Student Services supports the social and emotional welfare of students.
The Student Services team comprises of Program Coordinators , Student Support Officers, Youth Workers, Psychologist, Chaplain, Year Coordinators, A Positive Culture Coordinator and First Aid Officer.


Hours: Monday Thursday 8:00 pm to 4:00 pm and Friday 8:15 am to 3:30 pm


Student Services Coordinators (Liam Penstone – Senior School, Laura Bateson – Lower School , Tim Smith – Lower School) support the social emotional needs, health and well being of your children as they transition into high school and beyond. Being a teen can be difficult at times and Student Services will offer pastoral care to support all aspects of a student’s school life including academic, social/emotional issues and support for their family. Working alongside parents and the community to help develop young people who are resilient, successful and valued members of the community.


Student Support Officers (Cheryl Dastlik, Danielle Chaplin, Hayley Engelbrecht, Tyneil Anderson) are responsible for monitoring attendance (including late notes and early leave passes ), updating student medical records, ordering TransPerth SmartRiders, receiving lost property, student triage (first aid, sick bay, social issues and wellbeing) and general enquiries.


First Aid Officer (Amy Parker) is responsible for coordinating with parents/carers to collect sick or injured students, first aid, maintaining student medical records and medical plans and supervising students with self-administration of prescribed medication.


Youth Workers (Ash Boyes, Jamie-Lee Rizzi) are responsible for the coordination of Student Support Programs to increase student engagement (engagement programs, break time activities etc). Ash and Jamie-Lee use positive and proactive social-emotional intervention strategies which provide support for students, family members and staff and provides support and advice to teachers on strategies for supporting students and facilitates group work processes. Through engagement, they both develop supportive links between the student, the family, the college and other appropriate agencies in the community and provides mentoring and support for students at educational risk and students with social-emotional concerns.


Year Coordinators (Jake Hall Year 7, Tim Smith Years 8 & 9, Ben Hockaday Year 10 and Travis Crawford Year 11) The role of our Year Coordinators is to be a visible and positive presence within the college and have positive interactions with students. They positively reinforce and reward expected behaviours and address and support low level minor behaviours. They support students with restorative conversations after social conflict as well as monitor, evaluate and support students with attendance concerns. Their role is also used to identify and refer Students At Educational Risk (SAER) to other Student Services staff. A fun part of the role is the coordination of House system, including the coordination of the House Leaders and election processes.


Positive Culture Coordinator (Michelle Proctor) The Positive Culture Coordinator, working with the Associate Principal who oversees Student Services, will focus on building a positive culture throughout the Alkimos College community. Key responsibilities include; working with the House Captains, overseeing structured break-time events and activities, organising guest speakers, Advanced Good Standing and reward incursions/excursions.


Chaplain (Izzy Mohamed) provides Pastoral Care and supports the social and emotional wellbeing of students and particularly places great emphasis on the importance of building positive self esteem, self worth and resiliency among the students he works with. Izzy is available to support students and families at the college Monday to Friday through Student Services.


Psychologist (Scott Pierce) works in partnership with you and your child’s teachers, to help across four key areas: behaviour, mental health and wellbeing, learning and engagement. Scott is available on Monday to Friday through Student Services.


Community Health Nurse

This is a free and confidential service that promotes healthy development and wellbeing for issues. Students are encouraged and supported to talk to their parents or caregivers about health issues. Parents are also welcome to contact the Community Nurse for advice and/or support with parenting teens.

If you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact Student Services on 9561 7300 or via email to

At Alkimos College our students work together to foster creativity and innovation to create empowered individuals. We provide a safe and inclusive environment where ‘hands on’ and ‘minds on’ learning experiences are embedded in everyday college life. Our staff and students strive for excellence and grow with our community to cultivate a culture of high quality teaching and learning.

Late, Leaving Early and Holidays

Late to School
Students who arrive after 8:40 am (after Period 1 has started) will be required to sign in via Administration using their SmartRider Card. Students signing in late will receive a late note to hand to their Period 1 teacher. An automated text message will be sent to the parent/carer after 10:00 am to request an explanation for the student being late.


Leaving Early
Students who need to leave early must do so through Student Services.
• Parents/Carers are to contact Student Services in advance by email, phone, SMS, note or via the website with details of date, leaving time and reason (i.e. Dentist appointment)
• Students will need to visit Student Services before Period 1 (on the day they need to leave early) to be issued with a leave pass. Once the student has a leave pass they are permitted to leave their class at the allotted time.

At the required time the Student will leave class and go to Administration to await collection. Parents/Carers are to collect students and sign them out at Administration.

Students cannot leave the grounds without being signed out. It is expected that where possible, any appointments are made outside of school hours.


Students Absent from School
Parents/carers are required to provide an explanation for all absences. Where possible, if a student will be away, a parent/carer should notify the college in advance by email , phone, SMS, note or via the website.
If a student is marked absent without notification from a parent, an automated SMS text message will be sent at 10:00 am and again at 2:15 pm . Please contact Student Services if you receive a text. All absences are to be explained within three days of the absence.

Phone: 9561 7300 SMS: 0436 477 317
Website: (via Absentee tab)


Any holiday/vacation taken outside the Western Australian school term, without prior authorisation from the Principal, is deemed to be an unauthorised vacation, as per Department of Education and Alkimos College policies.

Get in Touch

Should you have any questions relating to Student Services or any other matter we encourage you to get in touch.
