Alkimos College

About the program

Alkimos College offers a Specialised Autism Learning Program (SALP) for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, to support students with ASD to achieve their academic goals. The SALP is a Department of Education endorsed specialist educational program, evidence based reflecting academic research and is supported by the School of Special Educational Needs: Disability (SSEND).


Students eligible for this program will have the academic potential to participate and achieve success in mainstream schooling and beyond; although are at risk of underachieving or disengaging due to barriers with communication and/or social competency preventing full access to the curriculum.

SALP will focus on the achievement of positive academic, behavioural, social and emotional outcomes for each student to maximise independence and access to further education and successful employment. Each student’s individual program will be based on their unique goals, strengths and needs and encourage the exploration and development of each student’s talents and interests to complement their secondary schooling experience. The curriculum will be tailored to meet the learning needs of each individual and be responsive to the student’s, family and community needs.



A key feature of the SALP is the ‘SALP Room”, which is an accessible, comfortable, supportive and safe place for students to access learning opportunities – both structured and unstructured during class and break times. The amount of time each student spends within the SALP room will vary according to their individual needs. Support will be provided to address the learning needs that stem directly from their ASD such as communication, self-regulation, peer interaction and organisational skills. Within the SALP room, explicit teaching will be utilised, with the aim of ensuring students maintain academic output; ensuring a smooth transition back into mainstream. Students in the program will be provided with internet access and encouraged to invite friends to the SALP room during breaks to socialise.



The program is supported by a Program Coordinator (Ms Julia Glover), specialist teachers (Mrs Sarah Dinan and Mrs Grace Turner) and experienced Education Assistants (Ms Robyn Barone, Ms Linda Bye, Ms Kelly Tanner, Ms Kirsty Lees and Ms Alison Thorncroft), who work collaboratively throughout the college and community to promote learning for each student, which will be delivered across three settings:

  • Learning within the mainstream secondary school setting
  • Learning within the SALP room
  • Learning within the community


More Information

Please see the below links for more information regarding the SALP Program.




Student Selection and Application

Students with a recognised diagnosis of ASD can apply for selection to the SALP from within or outside of the local intake area.

The program is designed and resourced to provide for students who meet the following criteria:

  • Eligibility for enrolment in Western Australian public schools
  • A diagnosis of ASD, without accompanying intellectual impairment (reports from medical professionals)
  • Is academically capable of understanding and coping with year level content and tasks
  • Manages behaviour independently or through the use of pre-determined prompts/strategies
  • Independent self-management of personal care
  • Parents/carers will ensure safe transport to and from the SALP

Entry places to the SALP are strictly limited.

Enrolments and Expressions of Interest in the SALP program for 2025 are now CLOSED. Expressions of Interest needed to be submitted to the college by Friday 3 May 2024 to be considered. Any forms submitted after this date will not be accepted.


Please call the college on 9561 7300 if you have any further enquiries

Please note we currently do NOT have any places available in the program for Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 or Year 10 in 2025.

Parents/carers that have a child enrolled in the Alkimos Primary School SALP will have the option of continuing in the program through to secondary schooling, as Alkimos College is the partnering SALP secondary school. However they must also complete all the necessary forms including the Expression of Interest Form and Enrolment forms as above and still meet the eligibility criteria for the program.

At Alkimos College our students work together to foster creativity and innovation to create empowered individuals. We provide a safe and inclusive environment where ‘hands on’ and ‘minds on’ learning experiences are embedded in everyday college life. Our staff and students strive for excellence and grow with our community to cultivate a culture of high quality teaching and learning.

Documents required will include:

  • Most recent School Report
  • Most recent NAPLAN Report
  • Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder – confirmation from paediatrician after triage with speech pathologist and clinical psychologist
  • Psychologist and Speech Pathology report (if available)
  • Signed permission to release and/or exchange information


Need assessments for eligible students will be evaluated across multiple modes; including informal and formal observations by the Program Coordinator (observation of the student in their current primary school), school reports, Individual Education Plans (IEPs), NAPLAN results and Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs), will all be taken into consideration.


The selection process will include interviews and rating against eligibility criteria prior to offering placements to students who are eligible for, and will most benefit from, the specialised program. Enrolment in the program will be reviewed annually and may be extended to suit the individually support requirements of each student.


The college will follow the Department’s Enrolment Policy, Enrolment Procedures and Enrolment for Students with Disability Guidelines.

Get in Touch

For more information about SALP please contact Program Coordinator – Mauveen Titlestad on 9561 7300 or email
