Principal’s Welcome

Alkimos College

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Alkimos College.

Alkimos College opened in 2020, with our foundation Year 7 cohort, and will welcome an additional cohort each year until we get our full complement of Year 7 to 12 in 2025. Our college provides local students with access to an exceptional secondary education in world-class learning facilities.


Alkimos College has high expectations of the student cohort, to ensure all students are well prepared for their future; and have opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to achieve their potential. This is complemented by a strong focus on student engagement and mental health and well-being, enhanced through the delivery of our bespoke well-being program – Anchor.

Alkimos College is one of only sixteen schools chosen to have a Specialised Autism Spectrum Disorder Learning Program, with the program already in place at Alkimos Primary School; providing students with a seamless Kindergarten to Year 12 program, if required.


In 2022, the college commences as a Department of Education Academic Selective Entrance Gifted and Talented Program specialist school (Year 7 cohort in 2022), which is a great honour for the college. At the school level, we also have an academic extension pathway (Alpha and Aspire classes) in the MESH (Maths, English, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences) learning areas.


Located on the corner of Santorini Promenade and Hollington Boulevard, the college will be built in stages. Stage 1 includes state of the art classrooms, specialist science laboratories, food and textiles studios, gymnasium, fitness centre, library, design technology workshops, administration and student services. Areas for students to play and socialise include an extensive cafeteria, landscaped courtyards and multipurpose playing courts. Shared oval and community facilities with the City of Wanneroo are available via the adjacent Halesworth Park precinct.


Stage 2 construction (ready for 2024), will include additional general classrooms, visual arts studios, performing arts theatre, dance studio, music and media classrooms, commercial kitchen, STEM centre, construction workshop, mechatronics, lecture theatre and senior school Student Services centre.


As Foundation Principal I am honoured to be leading the creation and direction of the college and developing a strong vision and ethos. My focus is on creating and maintaining a college culture of ‘high performance and high care’ for students, staff and the community.


Our journey is an exciting one and we hope you will partner with us to make Alkimos College a truly great school! I encourage you to become part of the daily life of our college, to hold us to our commitments and work with us to aspire, act and achieve.


Please explore our website and discover all that Alkimos College has to offer.


Nancy McNally
Foundation Principal

At Alkimos College our students work together to foster creativity and innovation to create empowered individuals. We provide a safe and inclusive environment where ‘hands on’ and ‘minds on’ learning experiences are embedded in everyday college life. Our staff and students strive for excellence and grow with our community to cultivate a culture of high quality teaching and learning.

Get in Touch

Should you have any questions we encourage you to get in touch.
