Enrol at Alkimos College
Enrol at Alkimos College
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The Alpha Program is designed for students who have a desire for academic success and a strong work ethic.
We place great importance on ensuring that our students are provided access to high quality teaching and learning.
The ANCHOR Program teaches students how to develop the skills and competencies to grow their cognitive domain.
Online Safety Presentations:
Today we welcomed Amanda from WA Child Safety Services to present to our Year 8 and Year 9 cohorts.
WACSS is WA's specialist provider of child safety, training and resources. Their safety programs are backed by the latest research and provide practical and engaging information to help students navigate risks so they can enjoy their online experiences.
Education WA
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Year 7 Waterwise Experience Incursion:
On Monday the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Schools team delivered a highly engaging incursion to our Year 7 students, as they are currently studying Geography in their HASS classes.
The Waterwise Experience is an immersive incursion that transports students with audio led narratives using silent disco-like technology. Students experienced a diverse range of first-person perspectives through three interactive stories which are designed to engage them emotionally and imaginatively – allowing them to see the value and importance of water from a global to local perspective and understand no one is too small to make a difference.
Students really enjoyed this free interactive experience, and we thank the Water Corporation and their staff, for providing such a wonderful opportunity for our college students.
Education WA
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Tina Grigg
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